Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Progress Report - Half Term Naomi :)

Half Term Week

Initally we were all excited to get on and finish our filming for the trailer however there were a lot of circumstances where we all busy, but the days where we were free, our outside actors were busy so was hard to juggle.

However, we still managed to reshoot the bath scene mainly focusing not making the camera shake and different angles where we see the hand coming to push the main character in the water. we did repeat the shot several times, and we are now all 100% confident that one of them a successful enough to be in the trailer.

Although not present during the park scene where the main character and little sister go out as a way of bonding and relfecting a happier time in trailer, Rabia successfully filmed with help from a Yr13 student the beginning of our trailer. after veiwing the footage, i was again confident that no further reshooting was needed apart from one shot which can easily be done.

Action Plan!

Get all filming done and organise characters with date and time and sticking to decisions and ensuring all props are bought and ready to use so we can start editing as soon as possible.

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